Schedule an Appointment – The People’s Dentist

The People’s Dentist provides services that maximize the new Medicaid dental benefit.  Please send us a message using the form below or call us at 303-430-7399.  Please remember to leave your birth date and your Medicaid ID number in the comments or call us with that information.


    Your First and Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Daytime Phone (required)

    Referred By

    Preferred Day of the Week:

    MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayNo Preference

    Preferred Time:

    AMPMNo Preference

    Reason for Appointment::

    Please add any additional information, concerns, or special requests that can assist our staff with your appointment request below. Please include your Medicaid ID and your birth date so that we can verify your benefits through Medicaid.

    Additional Information